Posts tagged ‘painting’

March 11, 2009

Make Cause Blogging part of your everyday lifestyle

I worked on refining my pledge today. I realised that it was too vague. So, I sat down and thought hard. I listed five action items:

  • design and develop posters and leaflets that may be downloaded for free to encourage individuals to post them in their neighbourhood or organisation.
  • paint and develop my representations in useful ways that could help build awareness.
  • follow the guidelines developed by PETA to write effective letters to influential people.
  • be a responsible consumer and support only the companies that are responsible
  • inform all my friends and family about this matter and include suggestions as to how they could also do their part by considering their skills and field of work

It is important to make cause blogging part of my everyday lifestyle because consistency is important and campaigning regularly is important if I want to be an effective campaigner. Yet, how can we do that if we are busy making ends meet or pursuing other passions that are equally important to us?

I remember conversations I had with some wonderful people living in the western suburbs of Sydney. They were regular, struggling folks who worked hard for their money. But, I saw kindness in their eyes. One lady replied, “Doll, I have five strays picked up from the streets. I donate to the RSPCA. I think I have done enough.” Another had said that he spent his time looking after orphan Koala bears, babies whose moms were killed in bush fires. We do what we can. I am inspired by people who care enough to do something about the abandoned. I felt that I was not doing enough to help the animals. I may have signed every single available petition online against the live skinning of cats and dogs, and many others. I may subscribe to PETA and WSPA so that I am updated with the lastest issues. But, is it enough? 

We do what we can.

I am no artist. But I am a lover of art and a trained art historian. I painted this painting of a poor dog waiting to be executed. It’s obtained from this site.


If you would like to include this representation to your leaflet or other campaign material, drop me an email and I will send you a copy with higher resolution.