Posts tagged ‘e-flyer’

May 5, 2009

Big Thank You

Announcement #1

Our online petition is up and so far we have 50 over signatures in just over two days. That is fantastic. We’ve got people from all over the world coming to our site and writing in to give their support. For those who have yet to sign it – please take a minute to do so. We need as many voices as possible. Our objective for the online petition is to get at least 1000 signatures from each country so please forward the link to all your friends and family.

Announcement #2

Thank you Simone for posting our website link on your page and for urging fellow members to sign the petition., like, is an extremely useful platform for passionate individuals to come together. To help spread greater awareness on our campaign, please feel free to add our e-flyer on your personal website or email us ( for a pdf flyer that you could distribute in your neighbourhood.

Announcement #3

Brisbane says ‘No’ to Live Skinning Campaign – We are in the midst of setting up a PO BOX address. Once that is up, you can now have the option of mailing us the signatures you’ve collected in your area. We also need as many volunteers as possible who could spare an hour or so a week distributing door-to-door petitions. These petitions can also be mailed to our PO BOX address. To help, please email

Announcement #4

Animal Saviors is organising a few events aimed to raise awareness on this issue.To sign their petition, click here. In the upcoming months, I hope to follow their developments as it is taking place. There are many ways to show support toward a campaign and blogging is an effective way. By setting up a Cause Blog, you are committed to your cause and you are empowering yourself in the process.